
REBORN Siamese Copy Cat

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Fanfiction: Xiaolin Showdown © Christy Hui
Chapter 2: The Siamese Copy Cat
“Grandpa!  Grandpa, I’m home!” Selia called out as she walked into the home she shared with her parents and grandfather.

“I’m in the living room, Selia.” came the familiar voice of her grandfather.  Selia found her way there effortlessly, having learned the route long ago.

“I met a cowboy, Grandpa!” she said, very excited, giving Grandpa a peck on the cheek before sitting on the arm of his chair, resting her right arm on his left shoulder.

“Really, now?” He said, raising an eyebrow.  “And why would a cowboy be out here in our neck of the woods?”

“He and his friends were looking for the Emerald Phoenix,” Selia said matter-o-factly.  Her hand moved to the spot on her chest where said pendant used to reside.  Her grandfather chuckled.

“Ah, so Master Fung has four new Dragons, eh?” He chuckled.  “I knew that that pendant was a Shen Gong Wu…”

“So it was all right to give the cowboy my pendant?” She asked tentatively.  Her grandfather had shared stories of his days back in China and the Xiaolin temple had come up every now and then.  She’d hoped she’d done the right thing.

“You did the right thing giving him the Emerald Phoenix, my darling granddaughter,” He reassured her.  “Now, do you want to continue reading the adventures of Captain Nemo?”

“Yessir!” Climbing off of the arm of the chair, she found her way over to the bookshelf and pulled off the brailed copy of 10,000 Leagues Under the Sea and handed it to Grandpa, making herself comfortable on the arm of the chair once again.

“Now, let’s see…”  He found where they had left of and, placing her fingers right behind his, began to read aloud the Braille his fingers translated.  ‘Oh, how I wish you weren’t inflicted with this disease, my granddaughter…’  He’d always quietly thought to himself since she fell to it.  ‘I counted my lucky stars when your father wasn’t affected by it, but it carried on to you and at such a younger age than I…’  But he always knew that his granddaughter wouldn’t have it any other way…
“Dragon X-Kume Formation!” The four dragons shouted, as they practiced on the grounds of the Xiaolin Temple.  It had been a couple of days since they’d secured the Emerald Phoenix so things had returned to their normal routine.  Their task this day was to execute their attacks with exact precision and timing on objects moving faster than 90 mph.  As usual, Raimundo, Omi, and Kimiko were jumping everywhere to reach their targets, while Clay patiently waited for his targets to come to him before destroying them with his Seismic Kick or a well-placed punch with the Fist of Tebigong.  During their training, however, Kimiko slipped up and what she was aiming to attack was now attacking her.  She was hit and flung towards the ground.  Clay saw this and quickly assisted in catching her, though this caused him to get nicked the back with one of the flying disks, knocking the wind out of him.  Dizzy from the lack of oxygen, Clay stumbled back and landed on his sore back, while Kimiko stood up and brushed herself off.

“Well that was unexpected…” She muttered, glaring at the disks flying around.  “Clay!  Are you all right?!”

“Yeah...”  Muttered the cowboy with a cough.  “Jus’ got the wind knocked outta me, is all” He reassured.

“That’s good.” Kimiko said, getting back to their training.  During this incident, Clay hadn’t noticed that the piece of paper with Selia’s name on it had fallen out of his pocket and was sitting on the ground.  So by the time Master Fung called his young dragons-in-training in for the day go get dinner, Clay still hadn’t discovered this.

As Master Fung watched his monks eagerly dart inside for dinner, he couldn’t help but notice the piece of paper littering his courtyard.  When he picked it up, he found it had some writing.  He unfolded it and read what was inside.  He raised an eyebrow.

“Dojo,” Master Fung called to the 1,500 year-old dragon.

“Yeah, Master Fung?” Dojo replied, now on Master Fung’s shoulders.

“Do you recall a monk by the name of Cecil Maha?” He inquired of the dragon.

“Hmm…  Maha, is it?” Dojo pondered on this for a moment.  “Ah!  Wasn’t he the monk that went blind after awhile?  Actually, he also left just a month after you became Master, right?”

“Yes, that’s what I thought,” Master Fung stared at the paper in his hands.  “It appears that he has relatives, if I’m not mistaken.”
Meanwhile, as our four warriors ate, they discussed their find of the Emerald Phoenix earlier that week.

“So, HOW did you come across the Emerald Phoenix, Clay?” Raimundo asked with a mouthful of rice.

“I already told ya,” Clay reminded him, a bit annoyed.

“Yes, you have told us your giant tale, but it is hard to believe it.” Omi admitted to his fellow monk.

“Yeah, I mean, how weird is it that a girl would appear in the woods, one that’s blind at that, and just hand over her family necklace?” Kimiko piped in, skepticism in her voice.

“I cain’t explain everythin’, guys,” Clay said with an exasperated sigh, knowing they just weren’t going to believe his story without proof.  “All I can tell you is th’ truth, an’ that’s what I’ve been tellin’ y’all all along…”

“If you say so, Clay, then I believe you!” Omi said with a big grin.

“Thanks, partner,” Clay smiled back and once he finished eating, returned to his quarters.

After Clay left, Omi looked to the others.  “To be honest, I do not purchase his explanation,” He admitted to the others.

“I hope you mean ‘buy his story.’  And yeah, I don’t see why Clay thinks he has to make up a story to tell us he found the Emerald Phoenix before us,” Raimundo agreed with the others, having finished his meal he made himself comfortable by laying down on his side, propping his head up with his hand.

“Maybe that’s exactly why, Rai,” Kimiko seemed to suddenly ‘understand.’

“Mind explaining further?”

“Don’t mind if I do!” Kimiko made herself comfortable on the floor before commencing her explanation.  “Maybe Clay is just trying to not make us feel bad that he got this Shen Gong Wu.”

“I still do not see why, though.  He’s humble and very honest, so why would he lie to us, his friends?” Omi asked the others.

“Eh, who knows?  He’s one weird cowboy to understand.” Raimundo saw Master Fung out of the corner of his eye as he spoke, so he jumped to his feet and grabbed his dishes off of the table.

“Ah, it’s good to see my monks cleaning up after themselves,” said Master Fung complimenting to his students.  “Where has Clay gone to?”

“I think he hit the hay early,” Raimundo mentioned as he quickly washed his set of dishes and put them away.

“I see.  Well my young monks, you best as well turn in early as well.  I predict that tomorrow will be an eventful day for the four of you.” with that said, Master Fung left.  The three dragons looked on after their Master in confusion and curiosity.

“What do you think Master Fung means by that?” Omi wondered aloud, as he and the others finished the dinner dishes.
Back in Clay’s quarters, the cowboy was laying on his futon, recounting all that had happened earlier that week.  This was when he remembered the piece of paper in his pocket.  He reached into his pocket to retrieve it, but found it missing.

“Oh, no…”  Clay began to panic a little.  Checking his other pocket, his sleeves, his shoes, and his hat, there was nothing.  The piece of paper was nowhere to be found.  “Aw man!” Clay cried out, frustrated.  “Now they’ll NEVER believe me…”

“Who will never believe you, young monk?” said the familiar voice of Master Fung.  Clay looked up and saw the Master standing at the entry way to his room.

“Evenin’ Master Fung,” Clay politely responded.  “Rai, Kimiko and Omi don’ believe me about how I got m’ hands on th’ Emerald Phoenix…” he bowed his head down.

“Just because one tells the truth does not guarantee that those who hear it will believe it,” The Master reassured the Dragon of Earth.  “Who knows, young monk.  Maybe the credibility of your story will one day be proven to your fellow dragons,”

“Yeah, I know, Master Fung. But it’d be nice if they’d have faith in me now t’ believe me,” Clay sighed, tipping his hat to cover his face.

“Do not give up, young monk,” Master Fung told Clay once more.  “Some of life’s best journeys go down rocky trails.”  And with that, Master Fung left.

“Easier said than done, Master Fung, sir…”  Clay laid himself down, resting his head on his pillow, and drifted off to sleep….
It was dawn.  The world seemed at peace as the sun lazily rose up towards the sky.

“JAAAAACK!” howled Wuya as she flew into his bedroom.

“AAAAAIIEEEE!” was the girly scream that escaped Jack as he was so rudely woken up.  “What’s wrong?! Are we under attack?!  Is Chase here?!” were the questions bombarded at Wuya.

“No, you idiot!” she snapped.  “Now get up and let’s go!  A Shen Gong Wu as just revealed itself!”

“Can’t it wait until after breakfast?” he whined, sleepily rubbing his eyes.

“No, you fool!” Wuya flew through Jack’s chest.

“Eee-yah!” Jack shuddered and cried out.  “Quit that!”

“I’ll do it again if you don’t get your butt out of bed and on your way to the Siamese Copy Cat!” Wuya threatened.

“Ok, ok!” Jack quickly jumped out of bed and got dressed.  “What does the Siamese thingy do?”

“Ugh,” Wuya sighed, exasperated.  “The Siamese Copy Cat allows the holder to copy any Shen Gong Wu.  But, it only lasts for as long as it is held,” She explained, floating about.

“Ok, then.  Sounds like a nice Shen Gong Wu to have in our hands!” Jack proclaimed.  “For today I, Jack Spicer: Evil Boy Genius, shall get the Siamese Copy Cat before the Xiaolin Losers!”

“That’ll be a nice change,” Wuya muttered bitterly.

“HEY!” Jack whined at Wuya, jumping into one of his evil inventions.  “Anyways, where to?”

“To Egypt, my annoying accomplice!” Wuya directed, as Jack took off in his flying contraption towards the ancient monuments of Egypt.
“C’mon, monks!  Wake up!” said Dojo, zipping through the quarters of each monk, shaking them awake.  As for Omi, Dojo pulled out his mini gong and hit it, which brought Omi back to reality in a jiffy.

“What’s all th' hullabaloo about, Dojo?” Clay asked sleepily, sitting up in his futon.

“Shen Gong Wu alert!” Dojo stated, darting around wildly.  “We’ve gotta get going if we’re going to beat Jack Spicer to it!”

“Well, I don’t remember a Shen Gong Wu alert going off at dawn before,” Rai stated sleepily as he went to change.

As soon as everyone was ready, Kimiko taking the longest, the four took off for Egypt.  It seemed as if it had only been a few minutes before the group reached Egypt.

“Welcome back to Egypt!” Dojo announced, as the dragons climbed off of his back.

“Dojo, did Great Master Dashi like Egypt for some reason to hide more than one Shen Gong Wu here?” Kimiko asked, looking at the pyramid they were standing in front of.

“I dunno.  Why you ask?” Dojo looked at Kimiko.

She shrugged.  “I dunno.  Just something I was wondering about.”

“Anyways, the Siamese Copy Cat is within the walls of this pyramid here,” Dojo instructed, as he tapped a stone brick.  This revealed a passageway inside the pyramid.

“Dude!  How’d you know that was there, Dojo?!” Rai asked, impressed.

“I didn’t forget EVERYTHING, y’know,” Dojo said with a proud smile.

“Then let us stop with the dally-dilly and find that Shen Gong Wu!” Omi shouted as he darted into the passageway.

“Omi, it’s ‘dilly-dally!’  Get it right!” Rai sighed, exasperated.  The remaining three monks quickly followed after Omi into the Pyramid.  Avoiding many traps by the skin of their teeth, the four dragons finally made it to the chamber wherein the Siamese Copy Cat resided.

“I have found the Siamese Copy Cat!” Omi shouted a little too loudly.

“Then get it, chrome-dome!” Raimundo said, rolling his eyes.  Just as Omi was about to reach for it, the arm of the Third Arm Sash snatched it.  Surprised, Omi lost his balance but was able to land on his two feet.

“Jack Spicer!  I demand that you give us the Siamese Copy Cat!” Omi ordered the Goth-wannabe genius.

“Hah!  And let you guys have all the fun?  I don’t think so!” with that said, Jack held the Siamese Copy Cat up high.  “Siamese Copy Cat!  Silk Spitter!” The Siamese Copy Cat morphed itself into the Silk Spitter, and Jack fired away at the four Xiaolin Dragons.

The four quickly evaded the fired strands of silk, but while they were playing “dodge-the-silk,” Jack and Wuya managed to escape.

“Aw, man!  That’s not cool!” Raimundo shouted after the retreating Jack and Wuya.

“We’ll get th’ next one, Rai,” Reassured Clay as the foursome made their way out of the pyramid.

“Yeah, that’s what you always say, Clay,” Raimundo spat back, agitated.

“Hey now, don’ be gettin’ as ornery as a rattler that done been stepped on, Rai-”

“Just shut up with the “hometown sayin’s,” Clay!” Rai barked back, taking the cowboy by surprise.

“Rai, don’t take your anger out on us!” Kimiko scolded him.  “So we lost a Shen Gong Wu.  It happens!”

“Yeah, whatever,” Rai muttered, as he jumped onto Dojo’s back.  Soon the dragons were landing in the courtyard of the Xiaolin Temple.

“Welcome back, my students,” Master Fung warmly greeted his apprentices as they climbed off of Dojo.

“We’re sorry, Master Fung, but we have lost the Siamese Copy Cat to Jack Spicer,” Omi quietly told their Master.  Master Fung rested his hand on Omi’s shoulder.

“It is quite all right, my warriors,” He told them, before turning around and walking towards one of the main buildings.  But then he stopped.  “Oh, by the way.  I have some good news for you,”

“Really?!” Rai perked up.  “Do we get decent beds?!”

“Will we get technology that isn’t so Stone Age?” Kimiko asked, hopeful.

“Or perhaps new training techniques?!” was Omi’s happy quip.

“Even better, my young monks,” Master Fung placed his hand on the door.  “My Dragons, please help your new teammate feel welcome,” And with that said, Master Fung opened the door…
Author’s Notes:  Bwahahahahah!  Cliff-hanger!  Though it might not be much of one, since it is a bit predictable ^^;  Anywhos, enjoying the story so far?   If not, let me know!  Reviews and e-mails are welcome!  Wait…  That might not make ‘em WANT to review…  I know!  Reverse Psychology!  DON’T review!  I HATE reviews!  *Watches as everyone leaves* …Well that didn’t work now did it?

Side-note: the Siamese Copy Cat is a Shen Gong Wu that my little bro and I came up with.  There’s gonna be another coming up that we concocted together, but that’ll be saved for another day…
=Previous= =Next=

And here is chapter 2, remastered.

Again, please direct comments and critiques to my fanfiction account

Ciao for now,
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